indian crested porcupine
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This rodent has rather long quills of up to 16 inches. Madagascar hissing cockroach. : Hystrix hirsutirostris] Indisches Weißschwanz-Stachelschwein {n} zool. African lungfish. African red-billed hornbill . Spines vary in length, with the neck and shoulder quills … It belongs to the Old World porcupine family, Hystricidae. The Indian crested porcupine has multiple layers of spines. Als Schlafstelle dienen ihnen selbst gegrabene Erdbauten. Die Tragezeit beträgt ca. On average, the Indian porcupine's head and body measure 70-90 centimeters (cm) in length, with the tail adding an additional 8-10 cm (Prater 1965). Three species of Old World porcupine are found in China: the Asiatic brush-tailed porcupine, Indian crested porcupine, and Malayan porcupine. During the winter, they tend to avoid moonlight in order to escape predators. If these actions don't work, they attack the opponent back first. African slender-snouted crocodile. All porcupines are nocturnal … The Indian crested porcupine (Hystrix indica), or Indian porcupine, is a large species of rodent belonging to the Old World porcupine family.It has multiple layers of quills, with longer, thinner quills covering a layer of shorter, thicker ones. Click on any of the animals below to learn more about it! Sometimes, … Asian Forest Sanctuary. In some areas of their range, Indian porcupines are hunted for their meat. During the summer, they protect themselves by remaining close to their dens and usually don't avoid moonlight. The Indian crested porcupine (Hystrix indica) is a hystricomorph rodent species native to southern Asia and the Middle East. Das nachtaktive Weißschwanz-Stachelschwein ernährt sich von Wurzeln, Pflanzenknollen, Baumrinde, verschiedenen Früchten und auch von Überresten von verendeten Tieren, um seinen Phosphatbedarf zu decken und auch um seine Nagezähne zu schleifen. Females produce a single litter per year. Indian crested porcupine Indian crested porcupine. Based on some tradition, consumption of Histrix meat and viscera is common in some parts of Iran. On their back, these rodents possess long and formidable quills, which are an important mean of self-defense. They are also commonly trapped by local people due to being considered a pest species. Hauptgruppe. The amazingly strong front feet allow the animal excavate substantial burrows. The Indian porcupine is a very widespread species. Mating occurs in February-March. Kinkajou. Due to its adaptability to a wide range of habitats and food types, the Indian crested porcupine is listed by the IUCN as Least Concern as of 2008. Damit zählt es zu den größten Vertretern seiner Familie. Die Jungen kommen im Alter von ca. Die Zitzen der Weibchen befinden sich an der Körperseite. Die Kopfform ist sehr flach. This animal is capable of living in a wide variety of habitats, inhabiting heights of up to 2400 meters in the Himalayan Mountains. Indian porcupines are accomplished swimmers. Indian crested porcupines live in rocky hills, deserts and forests from Turkey to India. The sides and back half of the … The present study reports the occurrence of Linguatula serrata nymph in H. indica as a new intermediate host from southwest of Iran. T Indian (crested) porcupine [Hystrix indica] Mehrere Indische Weißschwanz-Stachelschweine im Tierpark Cottbus. Die Männchen markieren ihr Territorium mit Hilfe von Duftdrüsen. The Indian Crested Porcupine is similar to the Porcupine [Erithizon dorsatum dorsatum] a species which used to be found in Virginia. During this period of year, they sometimes come out of their dens and can be observed basking in the sun. Both mature individuals and weaned young spend about 7 hours foraging per night on average. The range of Indian porcupine covers a huge territory, stretching across southeast and central Asia and some parts of the Middle East. Download all free or royalty-free photos and vectors. All porcupines are nocturnal … It mainly occurs on rocky hill sides, but is also found in tropical and temperate scrublands, grasslands and forests. Datei:Hystrix indica (Indian Crested Porcupine) at IG Zoological park, Visakhapatnam 03.JPG aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie Zur Navigation springen Zur Suche springen 2. These prickles are wide, thin walled and hollow-tipped. Jetzt das Foto Indian Crested Porcupine Auf Weiß herunterladen. With thousands more domesticated and wild animal lists planned, our goal is to become the most comprehensive and thoroughly researched animal resource on the planet. The crested porcupine takes care of the young for a long time and small family groups consist of the adult pair and young of various ages. Mostly nocturnal, crested porcupines may wander upon the skeletons of many animals at night. Indian crested porcupine Informationen. ⦠About the Animal: The Indian Crested Porcupine is one of the largest porcupines in the world, with quills that may reach up to 16 inches in length.ßschwanz-Stachelschwein&oldid=190626585, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“. Each quill is brown and black in color, with alternating bands of white. The Indian Crested Porcupine has a head and body length can range from 23 to 36 inches; tail length from 3 to 6 inches, and weight from 22 to 66 pounds. The Indian porcupine is an ‘Old World’ porcupine and one of the world's largest porcupines. A word of caution, Porcupine quills have barbs on the end which make removal extremely painful, please take pets or yourself to a trained professional in case of a mishap! The word 'porcupine' is a combination of Latin words “porcus” (pig) and “spina” (thorn). They have been known to collect thousands of these bones and store them in underground chambers or caves. Das Gesamtgewicht der Einzeltiere beträgt zwischen 13 und 23 Kilogramm. The Indian porcupine is an ‘Old World’ porcupine and one of the world's largest porcupines. They are nocturnal and monogamous. Photos that are of artistic interest will no longer be hosted here, but I will still occasionally post a photo that is important for documenting rarities or special sightings. ⬇ Download Indian crested Porcupine, Hystrix indica, isolated on white background image from the stock photo library - #49465035 Millions of high-resolution royalty-free, stock photos, vectors, illustrations. African painted dog. But the throne-like pointed quills belonging to the Indian crested porcupine were sighted here for the very first time,” he has stated. Find ours in the Asian Forest Sanctuary. Finden Sie ähnliche Videos auf Adobe Stock It is replaced in southern and central Africa by the Cape porcupine, H. africaeaustralis, and in India by the Malayan porcupine (H. brachyura) and Indian (crested) porcupine (H. indica). Sie bewohnen eine Vielzahl von Lebensräumen wie gemäßigte Wälder, Tropenwälder und Savannen, kommen aber auch landwirtschaftlicher genutzter Flächen wie Äckern, Plantagen oder in menschlichen Gärten vor. In Richtung Schwanzende geht das Fell fließend in längliche zylindrische schwarz und weiß gefärbte, aufstellbare Stacheln über. Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 21. Hadada ibis; Lesser flamingo; Red-crested pochard; Sacred ibis; White-faced whistling duck; Africa Savanna. Mit Flexionstabellen der verschiedenen Fälle und Zeiten Aussprache und relevante Diskussionen Kostenloser Vokabeltrainer Da diese Art weit verbreitet ist und keinerlei Bedrohungen bekannt sind, wird sie von der IUCN als (Least Concern) nicht gefährdet gelistet. We would like to show you a description here but the site wonât allow us. If continually bothered, the crested porcupine will … However, they are neither good climbers nor jumpers, so they prefer living on or under the ground. It is listed as Least Concern on the IUCN Red List. Each quill is brown or black in color, with alternating bands of white. Its hair is highly modified to form multiple layers of spines. African crested porcupine; African lungfish; African slender-snouted crocodile; Allen's swamp monkey; Colobus monkey; Rodrigues flying fox; Straw-colored fruit bat; Africa Rainforest Aviary. overview; data; media; articles; maps; names; 2013 Simon J. Tonge cc-by-3.0 Hystrix indica (Indian Crested Porcupine) is a species of rodents in the family Old World porcupines. When looking for food, porcupines usually emit a grunting sound. New World porcupines live in North, Central, and South America; some examples are the Canadian porcupine, Mexican hairy dwarf porcupine, and Brazilian porcupine. Each of our animal facts pages covers a range of topics about that animal, including their diet, habitat, breeding patterns, their physical characteristics, unique personality traits and behaviors and more. The substantial incisors of Indian porcupine never stop growing, so that the animal has to wear down its teeth, which it does through chewing bark, trees, chain link fence and sometimes cement. These porcupines either live in natural caves or excavate burrows themselves. Endangered animal categories, definitions, and lists A-Z Animals follows the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN)âs nine categories of endangered animal lists. Lion. Meanwhile, the thicker and shorter spines have small hooks, which point backwards and can penetrate skin and muscles of the opponent. Lesser flamingo. The solid and sharp quills, covering the body of this animal, serve as a mean of self-defense against predators and are 35 cm (14 in) in length, displaying alternating light and dark stripes. The gestation period is 240 days, yielding 2 - 4 young. The tail is covered with shorter spines that appear white in color. Below youâll discover the complete list of animal names our researchers have written about so far. 2008 Jan 15;11(2):315-7. doi: 10.3923/pjbs.2008.315.317. Note on posting photos: Due to changes in the web servers used for posting text and images, I will need to reduce the number of photos that are directly hosted on the Recent Central Mass Bird Sightings pages. ... Indian runner duck. The spines on the porcupines tail will rattle if it feels irritated or alarmed. Moonlight avoidance is slight and only occurs in open areas, unlike in the Indian crested porcupine (Hystrix indica), in which significant moonlight avoidance has been documented. Quills of these animals have greasy coverage, containing antibiotics, which neutralize infection if porcupines are accidentally pricked by their own quills. African crested porcupine. The crested porcupine is a terrestrial mammal; they very seldom climb trees, but can swim. Filmmaterial zu „The Indian crested Porcupine, Hystrix indica or Indian porcupine, is a large species of hystricomorph rodent belonging to the Old World porcupine family, Hystricidae“. Indian Porcupine on The IUCN Red List site -,, The substantial incisors of Indian porcupine never stop growing, so that the animal has to … Hauptname: Hystrix indica Synonyme: Indian crested porcupine, Weißschwanz-Stachelschwein. With the help of Worldwide Fund for Nature-India, Harsana then extended his observations to the much larger area of the forest. Environmental analyst Chetan Agarwal and I lent our technical support to this exercise.
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